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Social media plays a prominent role in the daily lives of millions of people, whether it is to receive a news update, to stay in touch with friends and family, or to gain social recognition. Social media enables a wealth of information to become disposable almost instantaneously. For lawyers, the...
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Categories: personal injury


On January 22, 2018, the Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”) held in a 5-4 decision that statutes of limitations for state law claims joined in a federal lawsuit are tolled until 30 days after a federal court dismisses the claims. This decision applies to state law claims brought in fed...
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Categories: personal injury


Chicago is widely known for its many bars and prominent nightlife culture. Unfortunately, not everybody acts responsibly during a night out at the bars. Innocent people might be adversely affected by the actions of an intoxicated person. Whether it is drunk driving, bar fights, or property destru...
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Categories: uncategorized
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