Recent Case Results

personal-injurySettlement for a Plaintiff involved in an automobile accident on the highway.
personal-injurySettlement for a plaintiff who suffered severe injuries to his hand at work in a trucking accident. 
personal-injuryJudgment for a pedestrian hit by a motorcycle.
personal-injurySettlement for a Plaintiff who suffered severe injuries to her shoulder and back when she tripped and fell down the stairs in her apartment complex. 
personal-injurySettlement for a plaintiff injured in a slip and fall accident on ice.
personal-injurySettlement for a Plaintiff who slipped and fell in a shopping mall as a result of an uncleaned spill and suffered a T12 compression fracture. Liability, causation, nature and extent of the injury were disputed by the Defendant(s).
personal-injuryVerdict for a Plaintiff who sustained back injuries in a rear-end automobile accident.
personal-injurySettlement for a Plaintiff who slipped and fell in a factory.
personal-injuryThird-party settlement for a Plaintiff (46) who slipped and fell on oil/substance in a loading dock while taking out the garbage in the course of his employment and suffered injuries to his right knee and shoulder that required both conservative care and eventual surgery. Liability was disputed by owner of the property, property manager and additional tenant that allegedly spilled the oil/substance.
personal-injuryWrongful death settlement for a Plaintiff at work in an elevator accident.
personal-injurySettlement for the wrongful death of a Plaintiff involved in a highway accident with a tow truck in a construction zone.
workers-compSettlement plus open medical rights for over-the-road/long-haul trucker struck in head-on collision causing bilateral leg fractures, fractured hips, and fractured ankle.
workers-compSettlement for a construction worker injured in workplace resulting in a neck fusion.
workers-compSettlement for a construction worker injured when tripping over boxes causing a rotator cuff tear and knee ligament tears.
workers-compSettlement for a bridge construction worker who fractured right ankle resulting in ankle fusion and amputation of toe.